Green Producing - The New Quality Standard
It's getting greener and greener... In Austria's film and music industry, the green rethinking with regard to the ecological footprint has made significant progress - in the various areas of film, commercial film, and music production, there is enormous potential for relevant and necessary CO2 savings. Green Producing is no longer a niche but a new quality standard!
The guidelines of the Austrian Ecolabel (UZ 76 - Green Producing) established since 2017 are continuously revised in collaboration with the Federal Ministry and the film industry, particularly in the areas of energy, mobility, catering, and waste management. The term "Planet Placement" emphasizes the integration of environmental themes into set design and plot development. All this demonstrates the importance and seriousness with which sustainable production is taken within the film industry.

Even the major Austrian film funding institutions (ÖFI, ÖFI+, FISA+, RTR, and regional funding) have embarked on this new green path. With the new investment funding from FISA+ and ÖFI+, an additional 5% of funding can be requested if the production has been proven to be green - a true green innovation in Europe!
Since 2018, the Lower Austrian Film Fund (LAFC) has taken on a special green pioneering role, providing production companies in all areas of film production with guidance as a Green Guide and offering filmmakers a comprehensive, practice-oriented training and further education program. Additionally, LAFC, together with the international expert in green filmmaking, Philip Gassmann, offers the training for Green Film Consultant Austria, which is recognized by domestic film funding agencies.
Furthermore, since 2023, WIFI has been offering a certification course for Green Producing Officers, focusing particularly on non-fiction productions and commissioned works. This course prepares participants for the internal implementation of environmentally friendly production methods in documentaries, business, advertising, image and social media films, information programs, shows, live broadcasts, infotainment, music videos, post-production, etc.
More on the Topic
- About the Austrian Ecolabel
- The guidelines UZ 76
- The funding guidelines of the ÖFI
- The FISA funding guidelines
- The counselling, training and further education opportunities of the Lower Austrian Film Fund (LAFC)
- List of Green Film Consultants Austria
- Wifi course Certified Green Film Producing Representative Non Fictional